Restaurant serving desserts at any time

Any time of the day is good for a sweet dessert. Of course, it’s worth treating cakes and other delicacies as an addition, not a real dish, but even with your morning coffee, a serving of apple pie can be a great start to the day. Where in Krakow you can find delicious desserts served not only at lunch? Our restaurant Kraków CK Browar offers a wide selection of sweet items on the menu.

Dessert not only for coffee

Although most people choose to eat dessert with coffee, we also serve it solo or with any other drink of your choice. Our menu also includes halva lattes, which some people may find sweet enough for their senses. Our restaurant in Krakow is known primarily for Galician and Polish cuisine, but we serve very different desserts to suit every gourmand. You can choose from, for example, Apfelstrudel, i.e. apple pie with vanilla sauce, fluffy Viennese cheesecake or a chocolate cake with orange mousse. Of course, you can also order an ice cream cup served with, for example, seasonal fruit or whipped cream.

Coffee after lunch

The culture of drinking coffee with breakfast and after dinner in Poland is very common. In addition to the aforementioned halva latte, which is a hit on the coffee menu, we also serve other Italian coffees such as cappuccino and espresso. Each coffee is brewed with care, which is why its aroma and taste are especially noticeable. So let’s find time and visit CK Browar for a coffee and a piece of your favorite cake, or if the weather is favorable for a cup of ice cream.