Comfort Food w CK Browar

With the growing popularity of culinary blogs, the term comfort food has become popular in Poland. This phrase describes childhood dishes that an adult eagerly chooses because of memories. Unfortunately, in today’s busy times, hardly anyone decides to prepare typical Polish food at home. Luckily, Krakow hosts CK Browar, a restaurant where we can find all the flavors of childhood.

For less hunger

At CK Browar, you can taste delicious Polish dishes without having to prepare them at home. The restaurant’s offer includes white pork sausage, served with slightly spicy mustard. This is the perfect snack item! People looking for childhood flavors should also try the dumplings offered at CK Browar. Meat and Ruthenian to choose from, served with browned onion. The appearance and taste of the pierogi do not differ from the grandma’s version. The menu also includes broth and sour rye soup.

Main course

When it comes to comfort food, Poles most miss the main, complicated dishes that they remember from their youth. Fortunately, our restaurant in Krakow is also reliable in this respect. CK Browar offers a pork knuckle in a beer skin, an extremely aromatic, but also difficult to make dish. The situation is similar with the pork chop, which is a symbol of Polish cuisine. At CK Browar the dish is available in its original version, Wiener Schnitzel. The cutlet is served with aromatic fried cabbage and potatoes.